Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Saviors Final Hours

1.     Review Matthew 27:2, 11–25 and the institute student manual commentary for Matthew 27:24, “Why Did Pilate Give in to the Demands of the Jews to Execute Jesus?” (pp. 182–83); commentary for John 19:4–12, “Pilate Sought to Release Him” (183–84). Write a short paragraph on what you learn about Pilate from what he tried to do.
He tried to show the Jews that the blame wouldn’t be on him by washing his hands.  This was a Jewish tradition to show that the person’s blood wouldn’t be on himself.  Pilot wanted to release Jesus, but in order to please the people, he gave in to their will.  He had received rebukes from the emperor because of the Jewish riots in the past and I’m sure he didn’t want to receive another.

2.     How are the events recorded in John 18:28–19:18 a fulfillment of the prophecy found in Isaiah 53?
Not once did the Savior complain about the trials he took on.  He was treated very poorly beaten as prophesied.  He has a perfect knowledge of our hearts because he died and suffered for us.
       3.  Review Matthew 27:15–16 and Mark 15:6–7 and answer the following questions:
o What kind of man was Barabbas?
A murder and a man of sedition
o Find the meaning of the name Barabbas in the Bible Dictionary (p. 619). What is ironic about the Jews’ choice of a prisoner by that name? 
Barabbas means son of the father.  That’s ironic because Jesus Christ was literally the Son of the Father.  Yet they didn’t let him go.

      4. Review Luke 23:7–12. Write your answers to the following questions:
o How did Pilate try to avoid the responsibility of judging Jesus?
He passed Jesus over the Herod.
o What did Herod hope to see from the Lord?
A miracle
o How did the Lord respond to Herod?
He didn’t say anything to him.
o Under what circumstances today would this example of the Savior be a good one for us to follow? Why?
A missionary who tracts into an anti-mormon.  Instead of fighting and bible bashing with that person it is better to keep silent.  The Spirit is not present when there is contention.
o What was the result of this interchange between Herod and Pilate?
Herod’s men mocked him and put a fancy robe on Jesus.
5. Read the institute student manual, “An Appreciation of the Sorrow of the Final Hours” (pp. 180–81). Write a paragraph on what impresses you the most about how the Savior acted during His last hours of mortality.
He acted with humility and accepted his fate.  He didn't necessarily want to do it, but it was God's will that he give his life.  What does the Lord expect of me? What is his will?  I think if I was falsely accused I would defend myself.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

THe Holy Ghost

1) What does the Holy Ghost do and what must disciples do to receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost? 
Keep the commandments
The Spirit will be with us as long as we are not a part of the world
Be baptized by someone with the priesthood authority
Teach you all things
Bring all things to your remembrance
Brings peace
Testifies of Christ
Reprove the world of sin
Guide you to all truth
Show you things in the future
Glorifies Christ

Witness that the gospel is true
Purifies and sanctifies of sin
Must be worthy
2) How did the Holy Ghost help the Apostles lead the church after Christ’s death and resurrection?
It brought the teachings of Jesus to their remembrance.
When they were worthy they could testify powerfully of the Savior
That’s how Peter received revelations
John saw things in the future and wrote them in Revelations

One experience I had with the Holy Ghost was while on my mission I could teach powerfully about Jesus Christ and of the Restoration of his church.  It would only happen when I was pure of heart and was focused about them and not when I was trying to prove that I was right.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Widow's Mite


1.     The woman in the parable of the widows mite was very generous.  Even though it was a small contribution the Lord knew that she gave her all.  The other men gave what was extra and held back what they could have given.  The woman put God first you could tell and was willing to be obedient and had the faith that she would be blest for it.

Image result for widow's mite lds
2.     She gave everything she had.  In the student manual it said that even if our contribution to the work wasn’t as good as others, as long as we gave or very best and didn’t hold back, then it would be accepted by the Lord.  The Lord asks us to be perfect, but all we can do is try and the Lord will do the rest if we will only do our part. In 2 Nephi 25:23, it is like I said, as long as we do our very best then the Lord, through the Atonement, will make up the difference.

3.     I think that I can make a difference in others lives.  I need to be more friendly to those at church and those that aren’t members of our faith.  I’m generally a reserved guy and keep to myself.  I can at least say hi and give a smile to random strangers.  Who knows if I keep doing that and being friendly maybe it will lead to an opportunity to talk about the gospel.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Parables and Accounts that Teach Eternal Truths

These are just a few principles I've found that could apply to my life and maybe yours too.  I hope you enjoy.

1. Luke 16:1-12 The Parable of the Unjust Steward
 I should give as much care to my future as much as evil works for its future.

I've always heard the term that evil never sleeps.  Going off the lines of this, we should never let our guard down even for a minute.  The moment we do evil can take another step forward. This can be applied in terms of the world or in our personal lives.

2. Luke 16:19-31 The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus  
I need to go to the temple often in order to give people in spirit prison a chance to accept the gospel.
 Photograph of the Twin Falls Idaho Mormon Temple
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints builds temples.  They are our most sacred buildings because they are completely dedicated to God.  People will volunteer many hours to work in the temple.  In the temple, we do ordinances.  One of them is baptisms for the dead (see 1 Corinthians 15:29).  This means a living person is baptized in the place of another that has died.  We do this because many people have died without baptism.  We give them a chance to accept the gospel and repent.  In Mark 12:27 it says that God is a God of the living and not the dead so why should we worry about the dead?  John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."  Those that accept baptism, whether you're alive or dead, accept Jesus Christ as the Savior.  If you accept Jesus Christ, then you will live even though you die.  Many people didn't accept Jesus Christ in this life and are now dead spiritually and physically so in the temples, we are giving them the chance to live again.  Because God is a God of the living and not the dead.  He loves all of his children, no matter how far we have strayed and will always offer us a second chance.

3.  Luke 17:11-19 The Ten Lepers
What Christ requires is more than an outward cleansing,.  He invites us to cleanse our souls too.
 Image result for ten lepers pictures
This one is one of my favorite parables.  Ten lepers are healed, but in the excitement of being healed only one finds Jesus to thank him.  Only one had a physical cleansing as well as a cleansing inside.  Jesus healed many people, but only a few understood that he could forgive them and make them clean of sin.  He can't force us to change, we have to do that on our own. The one leper showed gratitude and gave credit where it was due and in the process had a change of heart.

4.  Luke 18:1-8 The Parable of the Unjust Judge
If I will pray, it will help me not be discouraged.

A constant prayer will help you keep a positive attitude and have faith that things will work out. I've been thinking how far off the world is right now and it's hard to be positive and it doesn't seem like there are very many good people out there anymore.  I recently went to my first MLB game. We took the train to the game and it was packed.  A man gave up his seat for a woman standing.  I didn't know the guy, but I want to be like that and it helped me know that there are good people in the world still. 

5.  Luke 18:9-14 The Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican
If I’m not careful pride will pull me down without me even realizing it.

I don't remember ever reading this parable before.  It's interesting because the Pharisees are supposedly the most holy of the holy. but their pride had taken over and they were very self-righteous.  The Publicans weren't popular and everyone viewed them as sinners.  They both prayed.  Just listen to the difference in the prayers,

Pharisee: "God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess."

Publican: "God be merciful to me a sinner."
Pharisee and publican
The difference was the publican saw and understood that he was, a sinner.  We all are sinners and should pray like he did.  The Pharisee was exalting himself and thanking God that he wasn't like other men.  Pride is sneaky and I'm probably full of it.  It can happen without you noticing.  I pray I'll recognize my own pride.