Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Widow's Mite


1.     The woman in the parable of the widows mite was very generous.  Even though it was a small contribution the Lord knew that she gave her all.  The other men gave what was extra and held back what they could have given.  The woman put God first you could tell and was willing to be obedient and had the faith that she would be blest for it.

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2.     She gave everything she had.  In the student manual it said that even if our contribution to the work wasn’t as good as others, as long as we gave or very best and didn’t hold back, then it would be accepted by the Lord.  The Lord asks us to be perfect, but all we can do is try and the Lord will do the rest if we will only do our part. In 2 Nephi 25:23, it is like I said, as long as we do our very best then the Lord, through the Atonement, will make up the difference.

3.     I think that I can make a difference in others lives.  I need to be more friendly to those at church and those that aren’t members of our faith.  I’m generally a reserved guy and keep to myself.  I can at least say hi and give a smile to random strangers.  Who knows if I keep doing that and being friendly maybe it will lead to an opportunity to talk about the gospel.

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