Sunday, July 19, 2015

THe Holy Ghost

1) What does the Holy Ghost do and what must disciples do to receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost? 
Keep the commandments
The Spirit will be with us as long as we are not a part of the world
Be baptized by someone with the priesthood authority
Teach you all things
Bring all things to your remembrance
Brings peace
Testifies of Christ
Reprove the world of sin
Guide you to all truth
Show you things in the future
Glorifies Christ

Witness that the gospel is true
Purifies and sanctifies of sin
Must be worthy
2) How did the Holy Ghost help the Apostles lead the church after Christ’s death and resurrection?
It brought the teachings of Jesus to their remembrance.
When they were worthy they could testify powerfully of the Savior
That’s how Peter received revelations
John saw things in the future and wrote them in Revelations

One experience I had with the Holy Ghost was while on my mission I could teach powerfully about Jesus Christ and of the Restoration of his church.  It would only happen when I was pure of heart and was focused about them and not when I was trying to prove that I was right.

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